Karna, The Red Velvet Magician!

Karna magic rush heroes
Karna The Red Velvet Magician!

Karna, The Red Velvet Magician!

Back row Mage, Magic Based attack. Can deal massive damage to a crowd of enemies.
Line Up
Back Row Mage
How To Get
Whising Pool, Elite & Legend Campaign, Quest.
Grade C
Start Up
2 stars (30 Soulstones)

Time to Shine!!
For me, she is one of the best mage in this game. Specially In arena.

Her 4th buff skill is just awesome, increase max hp limit for all allies!!
Her buff worth for everything to stay at rank 100 arena.
If you want to stay at rank 100 but with little effort, she is worth for everything.


Karna skills magic rush heroes
  •  Magic Flash.

Deals massive magic damage to enemies standing in a line.
  • Magic Imprison.
Imprison enemies and causes magic damage.
Hit rate of imprison increases with level, imprisons 100% of enemies with same level or below.
  • Magic Halo.
Creates a magic snare on the ground which after exploding causes magic damage to enemies and slows them down.
  • Magic Life.
Karna strengthens the body of an ally, raising her and her ally’s max health limit.

Lets take a look at her skills.
Actually nothing specials with her ultimate skill with hit in line area. But what make it special is that this ultimate is easy to do critical double damage!.

Magic imprison, works like stun debuff. Very usefull to hold enemies attacks. Could imprison more than 1 enemy.

Magic Halo, area skill with high damage.

Magic life, most of the karna user is because of this buff skill. Very usefull for arena purpose, since health point in arena is getting nerf by arena rule.


Karna rune list magic rush heroes
Purple +2 upgrade to purple +3
  1. Banshee (Blue Quality Rune).
  2.  Anaconda (Blue Quality Rune).
  3. Sirenelle (Blue Quality Rune).
  4. Arch Wizard (Blue Quality Rune).
  5. Magic Mirror (Purple Quality Rune).
  6. Venus (Purple Quality Rune).


Summoning Book
Summoning Book, A bible from Hell.
1. Increase Ability Power
2. Increase Attack Speed

Professor Boots
Professor Boots, The power of knowledge is with me.

1. Increase Max Health.
2. Increase Dodge Level.
3. Increase Attack Speed.
4. Increase Magic Penetration.

Spectral mask
Spectral Mask, Magic Essence : When HP drop below 30% your ability power will increase for a time.
1. Increase Max Health.
2. Increase Ability Power
3. Increase Magic Penetration.
Conjure Staff
Conjure Staff, Piercing Curse : Increase a hero's magic penetration.
1. Increase Ability Power.
2. Increase Energy Regen.
3. Increase Magic Penetration.

Gold Armor

Gold Armor, Gold Regen : Regens a certain amount of health every minute.
Not Received Yet!!

Conjure Staff, Hammurabi's Prophecy : A damage-dealing skill will lower health regen effect received by target for a period of time.
Not Received Yet!!

Robert's Gauntlet, Energy Regen : Active cast regen some energy.
1. Increase Max Health.
2. Increase Crit Damage Level.
3. Increase Ability Power.
4. Increase Magic Penetration.

Pros :

1. Her 4th skill buff which increase all member party max HP is very usefull.
2. Her skills is easy to do critical damage.
3. Could imprisont the enemies which stop the enemies move spd and skills.
4. Back row heroes, good to avoid enemy skill.

Cons :

1. 2 Stars start up
2. Need upgrade at least 3 stars to optimize her skills damage.
3. Because she is in back row, sometimes her ultimate skill dont reach enemies back row heroes.

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